Thursday, September 24, 2020

RIP Andy

My handsome horse Andy passed away today.

He carried me on many a ride through the woods over the years.

He loved a good nap in the shade.

He and CJ were good trail buddies.

He carried lots of little kids on their first
"pony ride".  (This little girl, a fellow instructor's daughter,
went on to take riding lessons and has a horse of her own now!)

He was equally fond of a nap in the sun.

Our annual Christmas Ride was something we both looked forward to.

We bought him and his pasture mate, Buddy 17 years ago.

When we were both younger!

The whole world was "Golden Corral" in his opinion.
It was ALL good to eat.

How can you not love that fuzzy nose???

He got so furry in the winter his nickname was Panda.
You could bury your hand in his fluff.

I think this was the only time Kyle ever rode him.
From the front yard to the barn.
(Before we built the dog yard... like 2012?)

This was always my favorite view.

RIP my Andy.
You were a good friend.
Say Hi to Joey for me...

1 comment:

rktucson said...

What a great blog memory of Andy! Hard to lose a pal like that.