Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Strep and a Challenge

 So Kyle decided, graciously, to share.
And I ended up with strep.
Woke up Monday morning with a horrible
sore throat - had to really work to swallow.

D3 and Oil of Oregano to the rescue!
I had planned to try to go into the Town to
help out for the day, but NOPE.
I actually felt much better after going outside
and feeding the animals and just breathing
some humid air.
Kyle got the mulcher head all loaded up
and returned to Ring Power and then back
home to load his car and head to the ranch.

Here is a picture of the job he did on Saturday.
That was ALL woods just 2 hours ago.
Thick pine, palmetto, pepper...
He said the palmetto is the worst because it
is so fibrous. All the light brown stuff on the
ground now is what we call "monkey fur". 
GREAT for starting fires.
NOT great for mulching machines.
I took a bunch of video, but I'll need his
permission to load them to YouTube.

Anyhow, he spent about 6 hours over there
and got everything mulched and cleared that they
wanted - they were SUPER happy and also happily
paid his outrageous fee. (hahahaha)
(Mulching commands a fee of ... wait for it ...
$400.00 per hour!)
It's worth it though. Clearing that lot any other
way would have taken 3 times the amount of time
and back breaking labor. I know, I've done it!
He was pleased and so were they.
They want him to put a company sign in their
yard because they are sure many of their neighbors
will be interested in his services too.
But first he needs to buy a mulcher... grin.

Renting one (for $800/day) kind of mulches his profit.

So... I spent the rest of the day kind of resting.
Although I did slip into the grocery store to
get some essentials. (Wearing a mask - which I NEVER do,
since I didn't want to share my strep germs...)

Tuesday was a BUSY day.
Got up, fed the animals, cleaned up, drank a quick
protein smoothie (dark cherry - yum!) and 
then dashed to the office. Worked until 3:45 and
then headed home to rest a bit, feed the 
critters and back to the Zoom Room for the
2 hour Orientation workshop.
I only had 2 students - 1 was having technical
difficulties, so I held his hand and got him all
set up, the other had attended before and realized
it part way through so she dipped out.
 I was done about 8:15 but had to stay on
until 9:00 just in case someone dropped in.
Which means I got to read a couple of chapters of my book.

Rod got home while I was teaching and ate
himself a fresh peach and then it was off to bed.

And then this morning...
I started a...

"61 day Challenge"
Since it's 61 days until I turn 61.

 I started the day with 20 minutes of T-Tapp.
I've been SUPER lazy lately.
Well, not lazy, but I haven't done ANY workouts.
I've gotten lots of physical activity between climbing
mountains and building a garden...
but it was time to get back into T-Tapp.
Sunday was the 2 year anniversary of Teresa's death.
It really spurred me to get back to it.

It felt good!
I did Tempo Basic (means nothing to you, but
this is also for MY records... lol)
And now I'm doing my quick blog while I wait
for my Perfect Priscilla Porridge to finish cooking.
It's old fashioned rolled oats, quick cooking steel cut oats,
flax and psyllium husk powder over the top of
about a cup of frozen blueberries.
Makes kind of a cobbler / crust thing and although
it looks disgusting and sounds gross, it is DELICIOUS!

So I'm going to go eat!
And then I need to spend about 4 hours sending 
emails for PFSU - drum up some more students. 

Gratuitous picture of my silly duck sitting on the compost pile.
It took them THREE DAYS to figure out they could go
out the OPEN DOOR of their coop.
But they've got it now...
(Also a peak of the new, baby beans popping up
out of the ground - can't wait until those hoops 
are COVERED in pole beans!!!)

And the first of, hopefully, MANY cut and come again Zinnia's.

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