Monday, September 28, 2020

Monday, Monday....

 And now you have that song stuck in your head.
I do too... so you're welcome.

We had a relaxing weekend!
Kyle had a couple of jobs lined up...
he loaded up and he and Rod drove over,
but they weren't ready for him.

The 2nd got postponed - one of the storms
we had last week caused some damage to
their property that needs to be handled 
PDQ - so their other projects had to be
moved to the back burner.

Which meant the guys came back home.
Rod spent the rest of the day napping on the couch.
He is still getting over his cold and
his body NEEDED the rest.

Kyle and I watched gardening YouTube videos.
And planted some new shelling beans,
MORE okra (hahahahaha) and 
some herbs (dill and basil mostly).
We ordered a couple more kinds of seeds
and when those get here and we get them
in the garden, we are done for a couple months.

We need to plant our peas, but its still too hot.
I plan to try to plant them the end of October...

Kyle headed back to the ranch Sunday afternoon.
Rod headed back to work this morning.
I worked out, made breakfast, put a bunch of 
fish emulsion on the garden (fertilizer),
and then headed into the Zoom Room to do
3 hours of emailing future students.

I teach tonight from 6-10 and I need to open the room
about 5:30 for people to get in and get settled.
But I never did get around to mowing last week.
Guess I'll dash out there and do that...
then feed the critters, come in and shower,
and teach.

No pictures, sorry... I keep forgetting my phone
in the house.
Tomorrow y'all!

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