Wednesday, September 30, 2020

New Growth!!!

 Kyle and I planted some stuff over the weekend.
And this morning... there are BABIES!

Teeny, tiny little black eyed peas!

I'm excited to see them.
Not exactly sure what to DO with them... lol.
We've never done shelling peas / beans before...
but this has been a learning experience from word go.

Kyle's roses are looking beautiful!
They are happy after being transplanted and
SEVERELY pruned...
Lots of gorgeous flowers!

Yesterday morning we had a visitor!
He's a BIG ol' hawk!
I chased him away before I let the dogs out...
He's big enough to carry Roxie off.

Tuesdays and Thursdays are crazy days.
Up, feed everybody, eat breakfast, get cleaned up
and head to the Town to work until ... usually 4-ish,
but yesterday I had stuff to do at home so I left at 3.
(I'm supposed to work 10-3 but often stay late...)

Anyhow, as soon as I got home I hopped onto my
laptop in the ZoomRoom and created some new slides
for my evening class since we are now teaching a 
few VERY limited actual LIVE (face-to-face) classes
and we aren't getting many people signing up.
I wanted to "talk it up" in my Zoom.
Which meant new slides.
Plus our online course changed the way you need
to sign up and since that's what my Zoom is all
about, I had to do screen shots and create new slides
for all of those as well.
It took about an hour.
Then I created a quick Zoom webinar for me and 
my boss so I could go over the changes with him and
make sure he approved (or wanted to make changes),
started the zoom, stuck it in my ear and my phone in
my pocket and dashed out to feed the animals.
He didn't join until I was back in the house...
so we hurried and went over them together,
finishing just before my class at 6.

No students.
Read my book for a few minutes and then remembered
I hadn't done the admin stuff for my Monday night class
(I had 29 students and it doesn't end until 10!)
I got all that finished - was nearly done at 6:50 when I
saw a student FINALLY join my Zoom.
He said "I'm here for the 7:00 class, I hope I'm not
too early...)

Well duh.

My Review classes are from 6-10.
My Tuesday and Thursday Orientations are from 7-9.

That's kind of how the whole day went!
But at least I didn't start LATE thinking my 6 started at 7!
Starting next week I'm ONLY teaching 
7-9 on Tuesday and Thursday
6-10 on Saturday.

Well... until the last week of October 
when I am covering for another instructor.

Monday - 6-10
Tuesday - 7-9
Wednesday - 6-10
Thursday - 7-9
Friday - 6-10
Saturday - 6-10

Plus work at the town on Tues & Thurs.
Plus keep the animals (and people) fed and... well, alive.

But I have a couple weeks to rest up for it.

Rod stopped on his way home from his 2nd job and
picked up some Chick Fil A for us...
and we sat on the couch and watched the debate.


I just got a little package from Mom!
The necklace and bracelets are BEAUTIFUL!
I'm wearing the bracelets!
They are the PERFECT size!
Thanks Mom!

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