Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Life Has Been Crazy!

It seems like I've been going non-stop!
And then I compare what I am doing to
what Rod is doing and realize I'm a pansy.

But I'm still feeling like I'm going non-stop!

Friday Kyle borrowed Linda's dump truck and
brought us home a load of dirt.
This one is 10 yards.

But on Saturday morning he had a side job
using his Cat - Rod had to work a mandatory
Saturday so that left me to drive the dump truck.

And I didn't die.
It was actually FUN! 

There was a big ol' pile of dirt that Travis' previous guy 
didn't move for some reason...
So he needed to spread that, and then clean up the
stumps and concrete chunks etc the other guy left.

We took one load to the house
and when we got back I sat in the shade of the truck
and listened to our Stake Relief Society Conference
that was on Zoom. They didn't have anything to look
at besides their faces though, so I just listened.
They had some really good talks and then finished
up by assigning each line of "As Sisters in Zion" to
a couple of sisters to get on and share a brief testimony of.
It was probably the best part!

When he was done, I drove the dump truck home and
he headed to his next (of 3) job - taking down an 
outdoor kitchen at a house someone is moving in to.

However, disaster struck.
One of his hydraulic hoses burst and he was dead in the water.

Rod had just gotten off work by then
(I was moving dirt in the garden)
and between the two of them they were able to 
limp it onto the trailer.
Just barely.

What you see right there is an amazing mechanic.
Pulling an ox out of the mire.

They wrapped all the hoses with white fabric
(I knew there was a reason I kept all his old garments!)
so they could identify which was was leaking...

It took HOURS.
First Rod had to clean the entire thing because
everything was COVERED in hydraulic fluid,
then they had to wrap everything,
then they had to start it up and turn it off real quick
and see if they could figure it out.
Slowly unwrapping and try to read if it was
overspray or the actual leak.

Luckily Rod was there to help - it was definitely
a two man job.

But they got it identified.

Meanwhile, I was in the house, cooking.
I made a big pot of red lentil stew,
an instant pot full of lasagna casserole
and another instant pot full of cowboy grub.
Got them all into individual freezer serving
things and into the freezer for lunches for 
the next week or so.
I leave them out to come closer to room temp
before I put them in the freezer and 
FORGOT about the 6 servings of cowboy grub.
So when I got up Monday morning, I fed
those to the dogs.
Darn it.
And then I made another batch.
It's safely in the freezer.

Rod and I both take them for lunches.
And sometimes eat one for dinner!
Especially when I'm teaching...

Monday Kyle went to the dealer and ordered all
new hoses (might as well replace them all... this is
the 2nd one to go...) and I'm actually heading over
in a couple of minutes to pick them up.

Then we spent the rest of the day building new
raised beds and moving that giant pile of dirt
into them and planting the starts.

That's all that is left of that giant pile!

From the back of the garden, looking toward the house...
the long bed along the fence I'm putting pepper starts in
this afternoon and then later, around October we will
plant a gazillion peas along the fence.

There are four rows of four 4'x8' beds.

The beds closest to the barn are all planted in tomato and
pepper starts. 
And my okra.

On the middle row if you squint you can see
MORE tomatoes and peppers.
The 2 boxes along the back 
are planted in zucchini and yellow squash
with stakes to hold them up. Then we are
putting in some hog panels and hooping them
over and planing cucumbers.

The next 2 boxes are going to be beans in one
and ... beets? Something... in the other with
another hoop covered in pole beans.

The front 2 beds are going to be carrots,
broccoli, kohlrabi, and ... something else
I can't remember.
We have a map all drawn up, but when Kyle
left for the ranch on Monday he did something
with it and I can't find it now.

Monday night I taught my class
(and missed the family Zoom! Sad face!!!)

Tuesday morning I got up and did my chores,
watered the garden, tried to plant the peppers
but they were too wet and wouldn't come out
of their little holes...
so I went to work.
Worked until 4:30 and then ran to WalMart
because the dogs were TOTALLY out of food. 
And then home again to teach another Zoom.

This morning I kind of slept in a bit,
and then out to do the animals and garden.
Back in to make breakfast,
clean the kitchen,
mow the yard(s),
then my boss called and we talked about
some MORE new stuff we are doing,
then this morning's class instructor called
totally LOST about the new stuff so I had
to walk her through.
And since I was in the ZoomRoom in front of
my computer I did a quick blog.

And now I'm going to change my clothes
and head to the Cat dealer to get Kyle's parts.
And back to Walmart because I just put my
finger through a weak spot in my shorts.
Time for new ones I guess... lol.
And my sunglasses fell apart over the weekend.
So I need new ones of those as well.
And I lost my "teaching" glasses (I like my
red framed ones best - they look best on camera)
so I'm going to grab another pair 
for "just in case".
(They're just cheap cheaters...)

So that's my day.
I'm not teaching again until Friday night.
But I'm working at the town again tomorrow.
So I'm making the most of this, my "day off".
(I'm teaching again Saturday night...)

And that's all the news that's fit to print!

So I'll leave you with some of Kyle's flowers.

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