Monday, December 14, 2020

Catching Up

 We had a nice weekend!
Rod didn't have to work on Saturday
so we got lots of little things done
around the house and property.

He fixed the lights by the gate.
And we put up the rest of the 
Christmas lights out there.

Now we have two candy canes!
(Well, without the curl at the top...)
They look beautiful all lit up at night!

Kyle repainted my little people so they
are nice and black again.

Let's see... we also... did a bunch of
other stuff.

Trimmed a bunch of trees.
In the above picture the trees on the right
side of the driveway are getting a litt
invasive - I don't care, because I'm not
trying to back a big ol' truck and
trailer into the yard.
Often in the dark.

But now they are all trimmed up
and the driveway is nice and wide again.

Saturday evening we finished decorating
the Christmas tree.
It looks lovely.
Trust me.

And then Sunday morning we watched
church on the big TV.
We were having trouble connecting and
when we finally got it hooked up right,
we just BARELY caught them 
releasing our Bishop and calling a new one.
I'm excited for both of them!

And then Kyle and I were making waffles
(Kyle started, I finished...)
I opened the fridge and noticed it seemed
a bit warm for a fridge...

Sure enough.
It wasn't cooling.

I'm so blessed to live in a house with men who
have mechanical knowledge and can figure
almost anything out.

It's kind of sitting out in the middle of the room
because they had to pull it out to discover
that the fan motor isn't working well.
The coils were a little dirty... but the fan
blades were hardly turning at all.

A  couple of YouTubes later, Rod figured out how to
order a new fan motor and install it, but in the 
meantime, they all said if you put a fan in there
it will be a good temporary bandaid.

So there is our little fan.
It sounds like the dishwasher or the laundry 
is running all the time.
But the fridge is staying a constant 36 degrees
and the new motor is being delivered tomorrow.

Crisis averted!

To celebrate we drove down to the beach
to watch a rocket launch!

It was a PERFECT day for a launch!

And we even got Rod to go with us!

We watched the rocket then went for a walk
down the beach in the FREEZING water.
(It was 72... so not actually freezing,
but certainly chilly!)
And then we sat in our chairs for an hour
and had a nice visit while watching the other
people playing in the sand / water.
Kyle even rescued a run-away frisbee that
got sucked up by the ocean and spit out
further down the beach.

Then this morning Kyle and I loaded up and
headed north to the feed mill we used to go
to years ago and got 1650 pounds of feed!

MUCH easier in the stock trailer!
We get three of those big 350# drums and
2 more black 300# drums.
4 full of cow and 1 full of chicken.
That should take us through the month.
Maybe 3 weeks.
We'll see.

It was nice to see them again.
And Dixie - the dog that made Rod fall in
love with blue heelers and get our Bandit.

It was a nice drive.
We drove through a little rain on the way up
and discovered that my 4 year old windshield
wipers are shredded!
So luckily there is a Walmart right at the exit
we pull off for the mill.
New wipers.
And no rain on the way home.

just glanced out the window.
The sun is going down and the horses are
still in the front yard and all the
chickens are still out.


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