Tuesday, December 22, 2020

No Students

 Happy Birthday Sammie!

I suppose it's no surprise I didn't have
any students this evening.
After all, it IS 2 days before Christmas.

And Sammie's birthday...

Kyle was just saying last night that he was
going to cancel the phone he bought for
his business. He's been paying for it for nearly
2 months now and it hasn't rung yet for
anything other than sales calls.

And this morning as I was getting ready 
for work, I heard it ring.
(It has a VERY distinctive ring...)

I knew he was still sleeping so was waiting
to hear him YELL at whatever telemarketer who was stupid
enough to call him and wake him up.

But he actually said civil words.

Turns out someone in the neighborhood up
the street from us had seen his signs
and wanted him to come clear the back
part of his new house's yard.
He's getting a pool put in next month
and the woods were a little close...

He expected it would take a couple of days
so was pleasantly surprised when Kyle came over
to walk it and quoted him an hour and $450!


Kyle came in to my office a bit later
and we got him registered as a contractor
with the Town and he got to apply for his
first permit!
(Under brushing is a zero fee permit,
but it helps to have one so if the busy body
neighbor calls the town to complain about
his clearing out there, we can tell them its
all permitted and legal and mind your business!)

That was neat!

(And he put his Go-Pro on the roof of 
his Cat - made for some fun video!)
Kyle was happy and so was the 
home owner - successful day all around!
(And another neighbor caught him on
his way out of the neighborhood and wants
a quote to clear his extra lot next to him
next month!)

Tomorrow I'm taking the day off and we 
are driving to Deland (north of here and just
west of where we go to get our feed)
to pick up some steel to finish up the barn.

No pictures today.
There were clouds over the stars so
we didn't get to see them this evening.

But since I'm shutting down my class early,
we are going to run to the grocery store to get
the Cool Whip (fruit salad), and potatoes I
forgot to get earlier in the week.
Oh, and a big giant bag of ice because Rod
is going to be home for the next 10 days
and he likes LOTS of ice in his lemonade.
And the ice maker in the fridge is broken.

Fun times all around!

1 comment:

rktucson said...

Hey our ice maker is broken in our fridge too! You can get water, but not ice! Weird!