Tuesday, December 15, 2020


We got a Christmas Package!
Thanks Mom & Dad!
(AWESOME packing skills Rozann!!!)

I'm "hiding" it in the bedroom for now.
Not from Kyle.
From Beau.
I'm afraid he'll "unwrap" it....

Kyle went shopping today while I was at work
and did all of his Christmas gift shopping.
Good man, Charlie Brown!

I worked.

And now he is busy clearing all the "stuff"
out of the one side of the barn and getting
ready to transfer it to the other side.


No, really.
Andy's stall was on the other side,
along with the feed room.
And then we had a bunch of other feed
across the hall on the other side.
So we are going to close in Andy's stall,
put in some plexiglass windows (for light)
and a wood floor, and move ALL the feed
in together.

Which frees up enough space that Kyle can
park his Cat in the barn, out of the weather.
He already can park it out back under the
green building, but it's WAAAAAY out back.
And kind of a pain in the neck because you 
need to open a bunch of gates, and probably
do something with the horses first.

So this will be better.

I forgot to take any pictures.
And now its dark and I'm getting ready to teach.
But I'll take pictures tomorrow when it doesn't
just look like a bunch of junk in the barn alley.

Beau's new favorite place to lay when I'm teaching.
Except he SNORES.
So I usually kick him out.


1 comment:

rktucson said...

Still love reading your blogs Collette. Always makes me wish I could make the tub6e to do my own!