Thursday, June 3, 2021

Gopher Tortoise

 On Sunday morning when Rod and I were
heading off to church...

Saturday afternoon we got an email from the
Stake President / Bishop saying we were now
So it was back to church for us!


When we were heading off to church...

This little (big) dude was in our driveway.
Looked like he was on a mission.

Rod picked him up and moved him off the driveway
so we didn't run over him.

When we got home, he was busy digging UNDER
the fence into our front yard.
So we absolutely DID NOT move him to 
Brock's pasture next door.
(They are protected and can't be relocated...)

Well, Monday he was back.
But then "he" decided to sit over by the lake across the street.

And Tuesday he got all the way under the fence
when Beau noticed him and tried to keep him out.
Bulldogs don't have much in the way of teeth,
but he was diligently trying to protect us from
the killer tortoise.
Until he got totally overheated and Kyle had
to bring him in the house.
(And discuss the lake front option again with 
the tortoise...)

It's hard to tell
(since I kicked a bunch of the dirt back in...)
but they dig a BIG hole under the fence.
Which the dogs can then easily use as a
thoroughfare out into the wide wide world.

So when we were leaving for the feed mill on
Wednesday morning and here he came again,
trundling up the driveway...
we absolutely did NOT put him in the back of the
truck and take him for a little scenic jaunt down
to the preserve at the end of the street,

They move slow.
But they are persistent!
So I'll be watching for him again... Saturday?

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