Saturday, June 5, 2021


 There is a peach delivery service called
The Peach Truck.

I have seen it pop up on my facebook feed daily
for about a month.
And I keep thinking... maybe...

We do love our peaches.
We bought a big ol' box in Utah last fall.
Ate our fill (haha) and Soni bought the rest from us.

Well after reading lots of comments, reviews, etc...

I was almost convinced.

But I would have to drive down to Vero Beach
to pick up my peaches.
Which is only 30 miles away,
but still.....

This morning it popped up again and I thought ok.
But then I clicked on something else and when I 
went back, the ad was nowhere to be found.

So I went to Google and pulled up their website.

And when I put in my zip code it said there was a 
pickup spot in our very own mall!!!!
8.5 miles from my house!

I ordered some.
More than some.

Fifty Pounds.
(First I researched how to freeze peaches...)
Since I'm NOT going to can them.
I remember MANY a peach canning session
at Grandma Hanna's.
That's a HARD NO!

And I use frozen more than canned anyway.

Now I just need some of Marlys' fresh cream!!!!

(Oh, but I don't pick up until July 7... so there's that...)

(And once I see what 50 pounds of peaches looks like,
there's the possibility I'll be offering some of them to
my co-worker... lol. Oh LISA, GARY! Can I borrow
your freeze dryer?????)

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