Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Happy Birthday Dad!!!

 Today we celebrate the birth of my Dad!
I generally don't divulge ages.

But this one is a milestone.

He's   NINETY  y'all!

Sondra made him an old fashioned (classic?)
Pineapple Upside Down Cake!

We had a birthday dinner for him at Kurt and Michelle's
beautiful new house.

He got a set of drums and enjoys playing with Mom
every morning. Gets the blood going!

While we were out there this past week we got
to put on a concert (HA!) with them!

We were GOOD!
But we sure had fun!!!

My Dad has always known how to have fun.
In his quiet, reserved way.

Aunt Karen sent him a stack of birthday presents.
One for him to open each day of his 
birthday week.
Lucky duck!

They were all fun and thoughtful and he had a blast
opening them and sometimes eating them,
or reading them, or wearing them...

Dad has always had a great love for his family.

Especially his wife.

He is an inspiration.
An example of a life continually well lived.
Of a gentle, iron soul.
Humility, thoughtful compassion and joy
are the three traits that instantly come
to mind when I think of my Dad.

Happy Birthday Dad!
Here's to MANY MANY more!


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