Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Pasture Update

Remember the back back pasture Kyle tilled?

Here you go. 
A little visual reminder.

Here is what it is looking like these days.

(Kyle had to build a road because his equipment
barn is off to the left...)
(That's our OLD red Ford pickup way in the back...)
What's a farmer's field without an old truck???

The sunn hemp is doing GREAT!

Speaking of doing great...
check out all the sweet potatoes!
We just grew them for the pretty green vines 
on the tunnel.
But look at the potatoes popping up!
I guess we need to read up on what
to do with them.
I know when you harvest them you have
to lay them out to dry.
Wonder where/how we are supposed to do that.
It's been raining each afternoon.
I guess we could lay them out in the tack room...
(If we put them in the garage the dogs will
assume they are TOYS!)

Looking good out there!

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