Tuesday, August 3, 2021


 Fun things come in 3's,

So yesterday? Sunday? Saturday?
(It's all a blur)
Rod's key wouldn't come out of
the ignition of his black truck.

We've been having issues for a bit...
but usually a quick squirt of
WD40 does the trick.

But no more.

So he researched and found out how
to fix it himself.
But then decided to take it to 
"our guy" who always takes super
great care of us and our vehicles.

I was supposed to take it in yesterday,
but I had to work from 8:30 until 1 and Kyle
had a job he didn't get home from until
nearly 4:00.

So we took it in this morning.
They said they couldn't work on it until
tomorrow, so I was surprised when I got a
text from Rod that it was done and we could
go pick it up!!!

The gear shift is tight and accurate.
(used to be pretty sloshy)
The steering wheel seems to be more tight
as well (although it was POURING rain
on the way home so I don't think I really
noticed one way or the other, I was just
trying to keep it in my lane and not
wash anybody else off the road...)

The key came right on out!

Yea for great mechanics!!!!!
(It appears I NEVER take pictures of the black truck...
found this one from January 23, 2019!!!)
And, of course, I was actually taking a picture
of all the dogs.....

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