Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Bye Bye Bear

 Unfortunately, Bear didn't make the cut.

She is a sweet dog, but spent all her time
looking AWAY from the humans.
(And chasing the chickens and ducks... a NO NO!)
She was sweet as could be,
but just wasn't interested in humans unless
there was seriously NOTHING else going on.

We were absolutely LAST on her list.
And the idea was for her to be a companion dog
for Kyle and for him to be able to take her
on walks out in the woods, hopefully off leash.

That was NEVER going to happen.
She just didn't really like people all that much
and would kind of prefer you didn't pet her.
She was happy to be with you.
Her favorite place to lay was under your chair
or on your feet.
But if she wasn't laying down, then don't bug her.
Don't touch her, don't expect anything from her
and certainly don't get in her way if she
was after something.
She ran over the other dogs on a regular basis
and knocked Kyle right on his behind when she
was chasing a chicken.
Didn't even register he was standing there.

When you adopt from the pound, you have only
30 days trial period.
After that, there's nothing you can do.
They do NOT take animals any more since they
are a no-kill shelter.
Once (if) there is an opening then there is a wait
list for pets that people want to give up.
But the wait list is longer than your pet's life.
And we were coming up on the 30 day limit.
So this morning we made the hard decision
to give her back and hope she could find another
family she would fit better with.

I wrote a long email telling them all the ways she had
improved in the time we had her and all the ways
she might be an asset to another family
and exactly why she didn't fit our's.
They didn't ask when we turned her in - they came,
got her paperwork and said, so what's wrong... I said
we have to turn her back because she can't stop chasing
the chickens, the lady said ok and walked away.
I assumed she would come back for us to complete some
paperwork and tell her exactly what the situation was
but we never saw her again.
Instead a grumpy young man came into the room,
said nothing, just took off her leash and collar,
put a rope around her neck, tossed a "have a nice day"
in our general direction and left with the dog.

So THAT was part of why I sent the email.
Pretty much unacceptable... you would think they would
want to know more about the dog to help them
place her with the right forever family going forward.
Or maybe not.


She was a nice dog.
But she's gone.

(Notice the trailer in the background?)

Bottom right corner.....

We made that sticker!!!
(And a hundred billion just like it...)
Those little dust puffs are a pain in the neck!

1 comment:

rktucson said...

Love the sticker! Nice job. Sorry about the pup.