Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Chicken Pot Pie

 In between all the other stuff I'm doing these days
I made a (from scratch!) chicken pot pie.
Well, not the pie crust - I used a Pillsbury one...
But still.

(Before it was baked)

And I also cleaned the freeze dryer 
(the last load had raw eggs so its a good
idea to clean it with some rubbing alcohol)
and then re-loaded it with 5 trays of
mixed veggies.
(They are SO yummy! The corn and
carrots are really sweet like candy!)

(Quite yummy!)

And then I cooked up 5 pounds of ground 
beef (in the pressure cooker to get as much
of the fat off as I could...) and some chicken
and that went into the freezer for 24 hours
and then it will be the next load.

Plus I taught BOTH the morning and evening 
classes (5 hours each with admin time)
and worked on an admin problem with the other
zoom instructors
and washed the sheets on the bed.

I think that's enough.
And now?

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