Tuesday, May 10, 2022

Happy Mothers Day

 It was a nice day!
Started out with our first Sunday in
the brand new Palm Bay 3rd Ward.

Church started a little late because they
didn't have enough cups for the water.
But that issue was resolved and everything
went forward well from there.

I snuck out for a minute while the Primary kids
sang their annual Mothers Day song.
The RS room was already set up from the other ward,
so all I had to do was move the table in the front.
(I don't like standing behind the podium...)
And then I put a little card on each chair.

It had a spot for their name and a big open heart.
I also put a pen or pencil on there.

Before we separated for class I slipped out again
and made sure I was in the room first.
Turned on some Pandora LDS Hymns on my phone 
and set up a little speaker so we had prelude music.

As the sisters entered they all took seats and we got started.
I had 44 chairs and most of them were filled.

Earlier in the day I had taken the raw ward list I got
from the stake and from that created a roster.
LDS Tools is still empty - it does show we exist as a ward,
but there are no members populated.
And the only calling filled is that of Bishop.
Everything else is still blank.


We started with prayer.
And then I passed the roll.
Spent a minute or two introducing myself,
and then we went around the room and had each
sister stand, introduce herself, where she was from
ORIGINALLY (not previous ward) and then
if they woke up one morning and had NOTHING
they needed to do that day, how would they choose
to fill their day.
It was fun and enlightening.
Lots of sisters found out they were from the same area.
We even have a sister who grew up in Calgary!
In the Parkdale? Parkland? Ward.
(I remember WAY less than I had hoped... it was
kind of a blur for me...)
And lots of sisters discovered kindred spirits.
Beach, sewing, reading, stay in bed with CARBS...

After we finished that, I had them imagine they
just got a text from the Bishop asking to meet
so he could extend a new calling.
As soon as you got that text, where did your heart go?
"PLEASE Primary, PLEASE Primary!"
And then I had them take a minute and write on their
little heart - what would be YOUR dream calling
if you could pick.

We talked about how we have be taught
"I will GO, I will DO the thing the Lord commands..."
but Heavenly Father knew how to light
the brother of Jared's boat, but still required
that he provide insight and input.
So no copping out and saying I'll do anything...

Sent around a basket and collected their cards
while I opened the floor to discussion about
things they would like to see in RS and even
things they maybe wish to never see again in RS.
I tried to keep everything light.

We had some good discussion, I started by letting
them know that MUSIC is an important way to
worship and I would be calling a pianist and chorister
and we would be bringing back an opening prayer and 
hymn at the start of the meetings.
I understand why we did away with that - in the interest
of having enough time for a meaningful lesson.
But I'm pretty sure we can spare a few minutes
to invite the Spirit to join us and worship a little
through a meaningful hymn.
There was LOTS of comments agreeing.
And another sister commented on how she would like
us to be less inward focused and more community
focused when it comes to service.
And then segued to a meeting Tuesday night
with a local community outreach where they will
be discussing paying it forward in the community.

And then we had a closing prayer and dismissed.
I think it went well!

And then I spent some of the afternoon organizing
the little cards and putting everyone's response
on a spreadsheet to share with the Bishop
but also to give me some insight into who to call
to where / what.
And then Kyle made a delicious dinner.

EVERYTHING on the plate came from our farm!!!
T-bone steak,
cherry tomatoes,
purple potatoes,
onions and orange peppers,
and of course, green beans!

It was delicious!
And exciting!
Even the little green chives in the purple
potatoes were from his herb garden!

I had the first of this season's okra for
breakfast - fresh beats frozen every time!

1 comment:

rktucson said...

first of all... Parkland ward. LOL
Secondly- such great ideas for your first R.S. You will be SUCH a great President! I'm Totally impressed