Tuesday, October 4, 2022

It's Freezer Camp Time!

 This afternoon after we both get
home from work,
Kyle and I will be loading Spot
into our trailer and heading to

He is the largest of the 3.
And he eats like it!
The other two get pushed off the feed
so we are hoping that once he is gone
they will start to put on weight
like they should.

He is the friendliest of the three.
So hopefully that will make him 
yummy. (grin)

He is quite a bit larger than the others.
And that was a month ago.

I'll get a better photo this afternoon.
We are going back to the original butcher
we used with our first set.
Sirloin (Sir) and Moon Pie.

I'm hoping he does a great job,
because I'm not super happy with our regular guy.
He is getting older, his team is getting smaller
and his office manager / coordinator retired
so he has his wife (a hair dresser) running the show
now, and....... I miss the other lady!

We are only taking the one.
Fingers crossed.

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