Monday, August 19, 2024

OKRA and the Market

 We had a really good market on Saturday.

The produce belonged to Dave and Mary.
All the pickling cucumbers sold.
And most of the long skinny English ones as well.
I ended up with about 8 of the slicing tomatoes
but all the cherry toms sold. (There were 4 boxes
of slicers to start with...)
And, of course, my freeze dried stuff.

Folks LOVED the apples.
Only sold 2 bags of zucchini... lol.
Sold lots of bananas though.

I ordered some good mylar bags to sell out of
instead of ziplocks.
I have some cute labels coming on Thursday.
We ended up with $143!!!!
And then I bought $15 worth of onions to caramelize and dry.
And $20 of apples from a local apple tree.
They are granny smith and pretty tart, so fingers crossed.

Then Beau and I headed out to the farm.
It was 94 in the house, so I decided a ride in the AC in the truck
might be nice.
And there was a nice breeze at the farm, so he sat under the
truck in the shade and did really well.
The zucchini are FINALLY coming in really well.

Quite the haul!

I even got OKRA!!!!!
I'm so excited!
Frozen Walmart okra is "ok" but fresh is SO MUCH BETTER.

Check out some of those guys!
Quite the haul!

This morning it is chilly - only 66 and overcast.
That will burn off in a bit.
But I turned off the ceiling fans.

Sabrina sent me the cutest little slippers!
They have buffaloes on them and say BUFF.

Fuzzy and fun!

And I'm celebrating with a breakfast of bacon,
eggs (farm fresh I bought last week)
and MY OKRA!!!

Yesterday Dave came by to pick up his cooler
and give us this awesome metal buffalo yard stake.
His sister gave it to him YEARS ago and it has been
hanging out in his garden along with a moose.
(He said he hasn't met anyone with the name Moose yet
to off load it to...)
Anyhow, he brought it over.
Along with a red apple off their tree.
That was so delicious.
I told him if he needed to sell any, let me know.
I'm your gal!
(They have a cider press, so he said they probably
wouldn't, but they have a bumper crop this year,
so who knows.....)

Better get this show on the road!


Anonymous said...

Awesome haul!! 🤩🤩
Love Sabrina

rktucson said...

Wow pretty sweet haul! Cute slippers, and I love the buffalo sign!!