Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Who Knew?

 Yesterday was a crazy day.
(See previous post... lol)

So all I had for breakfast was a scrambled egg.

And when I was out at the property,
I got hungry.
I've joked with Kyle that if he ever
gets stranded out there,
he can always eat raw zucchini.

But I watched lots of homesteaders on YouTube.
And one guy is always snacking on stuff
from in his garden, and one day he grabbed
an okra off the plant and munched away.

I grabbed one and gave it a try.

There is no slime.
Just fresh okra taste with the little
pop of the seeds that is my favorite
part of okra anyway.

Who knew!!!!!

This morning I had to do fasting bloodwork.
But now that I'm home again,
I'm making my usual breakfast of one slice
of bacon, LOTS of fresh okra and an egg.
Over easy. 
(I make 2 and give one to Beau...)

While I was cutting my okra, I couldn't help
but sneak a bite or two.


rktucson said...

How do you cook that little breakfast?

rktucson said...
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