Friday, September 27, 2024

"Amost" Done

 So, remember my list?

This is what is looks like now.

I got it all done except the okra.
And Kyle erased the line about the honeydew because
when we cut it open, it was WAAAAAY over ripe.
And kind of grainy and nasty.
So we tossed it out.
(I should have put a check next to teach, but I was TIRED
by the end of that day!)

Yesterday we went to the storage unit and opened and went 
through every. single. box. that had my name on it,
looking for my green card. (which is peach, by the way...)

No joy.

That took until about 2:00.

Then to the farm to check out Kyle's house and
harvest a couple yellow squash and a cucumber.
(I didn't even LOOK at the lemon cucumbers.)

With the decks, it is looking more like a house.

It's nice and wide. About 8 feet.

The 2nd story is pretty high.

The views are pretty good!
He's looking forward to sitting out there with his telescope.
(He just mowed his "40" so it looks a little brown. Off to the left is what
he had previously mowed and it greened right up again.)

On the way home we stopped at our little grocery
store and picked up another gallon of vinegar.
(Which is why I didn't do the okra, ran out...)
And then I made us some mac and cheese with 
pickled beets for lunch.
And then I tried to take a nap.
(didn't work.)

And then I made some spam casserole (sounds awful,
but is really yummy and something Kyle really enjoys)
and we watched our nightly episode(s) of Jag and off to bed.

This morning I'm doing a "double" since we had a
hurricane last night in Florida and it hit Tampa
which is where the other instructor lives.
She is ok, still had power when I talked with her last night,
but lost internet early on and wasn't sure it would be
back by this morning, so I'm covering for her.

Talked to Jim and Sabrina - they said it was only blowing
about 30 mph, windy, but nothing special.
They got lots of rain and will still get more today,
but no flooding.
So that's good.
And maybe it will generate some insurance claims he can
go do his adjusting thing on and make some $.

Gotta go start my class.
Have a great Friday!

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