Friday, September 13, 2024

Lemon Cucumbers

 I've never SEEN a lemon cucumber before.
But Kyle thought they sounded like fun,
so he planted some.

They were over by the corn that got eaten
by the cows, and since we weren't
watering the corn anymore,
we also quit watering the lemon cukes.

But they held on.
They were struggling.
And kind of slow.
But there they still were...

And then the other day.....

Lemon cucumbers!

They LOOK like a lemon.

But they taste like a cucumber.
I detect a SLIGHT lemon flavor,
but it might just be the power of suggestion.

Anyhow, Kyle is harvesting 2 or 3
every day now.
That's fun!

1 comment:

rktucson said...

Lemon cucumbers... who'd have thunk!