Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Yellow Squash!

 Today I processed ALL the yellow squash.

There was quite a bit. 

I just chopped it into bite sized pieces,
and since it's not nearly as wet as zucchini,
put it into freezer bags and when I'm ready
to use it I hope to be able to just take it out.
(There may be "some" sticking together...
but for the most part I'm hoping it will be loose...)

If not, I'll defrost it til I can and go from there.
But I have 10 freeze dryer trays and they
are all busy already.


While I was doing that, Rod continued painting
the trim around all the bedroom and the bathroom doors.
And then he went out to the farm to help
Kyle take down the barbed wire around the
acres that were in CRP. (land held for
the government - they pay you to NOT use it...
it's a dumb idea and not very much $, 
so we said No thanks.)

They just got home and I just finished
teaching and I'm sure they are ready for dinner.
Night all!

1 comment:

rktucson said...

Awesome. Blossom! Love the candy Idea! Let me know how it goes!