Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Harvest Season is Winding Down

 We went out to the farm yesterday.
I haven't been in a week or so.
Rod has been going out with Kyle so
they could put up his new deck.
I forgot to take a picture.
But I'll be going again either today
or tomorrow.
(Probably tomorrow...)

We pulled 7 or 8 zucchinis and 4 or 5
yellow squash, a hand full of cukes
and lemon cukes.
There are okra that need to be harvested,
but I didn't have my little scissors with
me and it's a pain to just pick them off.
They'll be fine.

We went to the storage building to get a tool
Kyle needed to work on replacing the axle
on his Big Tex trailer (that caught fire WAAAAAY
back on our aborted trip here in May.)

We got to the storage building and discovered
that the keys are in his TRUCK.
(And we were in his car...)
So... BACK to the house.
It's only 30 minutes each way.

But by then, I had decided I couldn't wait to have
a new pump shipped from Utah.
(Oh yeah, the oil free pump on my freeze dryer
was dying - making a horrible noise and on
its way out... it has been a workhorse for me
for about 3 years, so not a surprise, just an
annoyance. I'm SO behind on freeze drying because
it was dying and each load was taking longer and
longer and longer......)


I decided I couldn't wait to have it shipped,
so I found one at Tractor Supply in Ellsworth, KS.
Which is an hour and 29 minutes west of us.
So Kyle headed back north to Hill City,
and I headed west to Ellsworth.
It was a nice, uneventful trip.
Through some beautiful country!
There was a HUGE field of sunflowers!
And two of the biggest pigs I've ever seen.

I got here about 4:30 and Kyle and Rod
were still working on the trailer.
So I made some chili in the Instant Pot.
Which died.

I got it for Christmas.... 7? 8? years ago?
Jim gave us each an air fryer and I
gave us each an Instant Pot.
So I'd say I got my use out of it...
but really? THIS WEEK???
New AC.
New FD pump.
New pressure cooker.
New laptop.
New rice cooker (I had one in storage... whew!)
Oh, and a new kitchen sink and water filter system.

Look how close my neighbors are!!!!! ACK!!!!


I transferred the chili to a pot on the stove
and we ate a little later than I planned.

(Meanwhile, there was a really nice replacement
one on Amazon on a $100 off sale!!!)
Thank goodness for Amazon points! I think
I ended up paying like $40.
(I use the Fetch and Upside apps on my phone
and get lots of Amazon points every time I 
spend money anywhere...)


While dinner was cooking, Kyle helped me
get the old pump off and the new pump all
set up and we started a load of apples.
(The load that was half done when the pump quit.)
It pulled a deep vacuum and I'm excited to
see how quickly it finishes. 
I haven't looked at it yet this morning.
But it is QUIET!!!
So much nicer than the other pump.

This is my "to do" for today.

1. Make breakfast.
2. Package the apples from the load that should be finished.
3. Put the already frozen okra on plastic lid trays and
get 3 trays of okra and 2 trays of apples in the FD.
4. Wash the apple trays and put the tomato sauce from
the fridge on the trays and get them in the freezer 
ready for their run, tomorrow? maybe?
5. Grind up the new tomatoes and get them in the
jars in the fridge to be next in line.
6. Slice up the beautiful honeydew I bought at the
farmers market and get that into the freezer and
ready to go in the FD.
7. Pickle the "last" of the cucumbers.
8. Pickle the lemon cucumbers.
9. Slice the okra that is in the fridge and get some of
it in the freezer and some of it in jars to pickle.
10. Teach tonight's class.

And in the middle of all that, of course I need
to keep my family fed.

Sounds like a full day!
But it will be good to get rid of some of the produce.
I still have to do something with the zucchini,
but that can be a tomorrow chore.
I'm just going to grate it in the food processor
and get it into freezer bags as well.
But... not today.

Hope you are having a wonderful day!
Looking forward to hearing Rozann and Greg
had a safe and uneventful trip back to Tucson.
So glad it was a wonderful trip!!!!

**** Oh, by the way, the trip to California has been cancelled.
We decided to buy a machine from the local dealer.
A little more expensive, but less risky and under warranty.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Zucchini brownies!! 🫶