Friday, September 20, 2024

No Post Today.

 Well, except for this...... lol.
It's been a CRAZY day.

The guys came to install our new AC!

But they had to come from Hays.
And then they ran out of Freon so 
they had to drive back to Hays.

And then they weren't getting power
to the AC unit so had to drive BACK 
to Hays again.
Each trip is 30+ miles each way.

Poor guy.

But..... I'm wrapped in a blanket because
I'm FREEZING! I set it on 76 because...
I got my BRAND NEW Surface Pro 8 today
and while I was teaching this morning,
it did the exact same thing my old one did.
It's quite possible I'll pack it up and return it.
It's nice and all, but I don't NEED a new $800
computer if it's not going to fix the problem.


Also, Rod installed our BRAND NEW 
stainless steel sink and reverse osmosis
(water filter) while the guy was working
on the AC.
So I'm also kind of starving because the
guy was in one half of the kitchen and
Rod was in the other half
and it's pretty small.....
so I had some crackers and a hot pocket
about 10 hour ago.
(Just finished teaching the night class...)


Also, I spent a good amount of time trying to
solve the problem I'm having with my green card.
I lost it.
So I filed to get a duplicate.
And they sent a copy of a application from
1985 (???? I got my card in 1979)
and said that's all they have.

So I filed an I-90 form requesting a
duplicate card.
And today they denied that request saying
they did a "thorough search" and they have no record.

So I tried and tried and tried to speak to a human
but their stupid automated thing just kept telling
me to file an I-90.
So then I found ANOTHER form I could file
for a replacement, but they want a
non-refundable $415 and I don't even know if
this is the right form!
It asked all sorts of info I couldn't answer, because

So... I wrote a letter of appeal.

Meanwhile, I can't apply for either social security
or medicare until I can show them the ORIGINAL card.


I might just have to move back to Canada.
Who knows at this point.
The only "local" USCIS office is in Wichita,
but they won't take walk-ins and they won't let
me make an appointment because my issue 
doesn't fit their criteria.

I kind of hate the government at this moment.

All that to say....
there's no post today.

(I wish I was in Switzerland!!!!)

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