Monday, March 12, 2012

Close up

Today is supposed to be a "close up" photo.  But I haven't thought of anything to take one of... 

But this morning, on my drive in to the office, I wished I could have snapped a picture.  With the change to Daylight Savings time yesterday, it was a little early - the sun was just coming up over the ocean.  There is usually a nice breeze coming from the east (over the ocean) and this morning there were lots of sea gulls and pelicans enjoying the lovely morning.

There was one seagull I noticed, in particular, that was riding the thermals - zooming along parallel to the river, and then he would turn into the wind and just seem to hang - wings outstretched, tips angled "just so"...

I tossed off a "Good Morning Jonathan Livingston" as he zoomed off again, perfecting his technique.

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