Friday, March 23, 2012

Day 16: Morning

Yup, it's morning.  And here is the aftermath.

A little "vet wrap" that was on my arm earlier, but it was too hard to type.  (Couldn't bend my elbow...)  I got to start the morning with a stab with a sharp instrument and despite even getting up in the middle of the night to drink more water, I was still on the dehydrated side and my veins were not cooperating.

Kudos to the phlebotomist though - she took it all in stride and, if she hadn't said something, I wouldn't have known she was digging around looking for a source of blood.  (Normally I'm cringing and squinting and doing my best not to slug somebody - usually the guy digging around in my arm!)

I'm going to be out of thyroid pills in a couple of days, so have an appointment with my doctor on Monday to check my blood levels and get a new prescription.  However, I don't have high hopes for this one.  I switched to the generic this month and haven't really felt "right" for most of the month.  So... this will be interesting.

Meanwhile, I'm getting excited (and a little punchy) about my trip next week.  It's been forever since I've seen most of the members of my family.  Not everybody will be there, but the vast majority will be - and maybe we can toss in a Skype session on the big screen and pretend we're all together...  a la

Meanwhile - Rod is enjoying his new job - learning lots and gearing up for being on his own pretty soon.  He is having a little trouble with the TINY writing on the form he has to use - but I gave him a little magnifying thingie last night and we'll see if that helps. 
I'm working.  I sort of have some of tomorrow off - need to put in about 3 hours tomorrow - but I'm also planning to ride my horse with my husband.  (If the weather will cooperate - they are predicting afternoon showers - he has to run to Orlando to pick up a 4-wheeler and is taking his Dad with him so they can get in some visiting time...)  And then I'm teaching another review class on Sunday - my trainee from last week is joining me, along with her Mom.  It will be neat to get together with them!

And then Monday is PACKING!!!!!  (And a doctor's appointment, and an 8 hour day at the office... whatever...)

And that's all the news that's fit to print.

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