Saturday, December 29, 2012

Big World

It's a big world out there!

Especially when you are a tiny little baby.

The newest girls are one week old.
So it was time for them to meet the great outdoors.

Tiny, up front, is FIESTY!
She'll jump at and peck your hand.
We'll work on that.

Their wing feathers and tiny tail tufts are coming in.

Here's a glimpse of what we call 
Chicken TV.

Now I'm baking the first banana bread I've made in YEARS!

It just came out of the oven, so not sure how it will taste.
But it looks pretty good!

I started out using Sister Myrna Stanford's recipe, but realized it called for
sugar but didn't give an amount.
So I called Mom.
Who discovered she doesn't have a banana bread recipe with her in Tucson!
Which reminded me I have a recipe box full of recipes in the cupboard.
And presto!
There was HER recipe!

So I'm sure this will be delicious!
(I added walnuts... Mom's recipe doesn't call for them, since Nancy is severely allergic)

1 comment:

rktucson said...

Sam is expecting hers to hatch in about 10 days!