Saturday, March 9, 2013



Do you suppose it's too early for Easter?
How about Easter Egg Coloring?

Tonight I went to Friday's for dinner.
It was different.
I usually eat at Red Lobster's.
But they had a LONG wait and I wanted to get dinner over with.

After dinner I went to Target to get some Cadbury Caramel Eggs for my students.
And some hair dye to get rid of the "snow on the mountain".

Colored my hair.
Then climbed in the shower and rinsed.
And rinsed.
And rinsed.

I hate to mess up their pretty white towels.

When I was pretty sure I had all the color out and it was safe to open my eyes....
I discovered I was standing in ankle deep water in the tub.
It was the color of licorice.

The tub is purple.

I'm pretty sure some Clorox Soft Scrub will take care of it.
But I feel badly some lady is going to have to clean that on her Sunday.


On a better note.
Rod worked on the coop condo today.

He doubled the roosts so there is enough space for all 52 girls.

And put dividers in the nest boxes with nest pads so we don't need hay or shavings.
Keeps the eggs cleaner.
The nest boxes are sloped, so the eggs will roll to the back.
Again keeping them cleaner and away from little pecking beaks.

He also put in a new "stoop" in front of the coop.
The girls picked that spot for their daily dirty baths.
They push all the dirt out from under the concrete stepping stones.
Which means we are always slipping, sliding and nearly falling.

Now they are confined in a nice wooden frame.
So the girls can take their baths.
And we can enter/exit the coop safely.

The girls scoped it out today.
It passed inspection with flying colors!

Now if they just start laying eggs in there,
we will ALL be happy!

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