Thursday, June 5, 2014

Red Sky At Night

If I were a sailor,
I would have been super excited
to see last night's sunset.*

It was gorgeous!

Kyle and I WISH we had good cameras.
You just don't get the true picture.
(ha ha ha)

There are many skies over our little farm
that we just look at each other and grin.

If you painted it,
people would think we were
painting from our imaginations.


It's kind of our thing.

Except that this week Kyle has been
"pulling doubles".
Which means he has to be up BEFORE
the crack of dawn to go next door to
take care of all the chickens, and
then come home to shower, cuz
really, who wants to smell like
chicken coops all day?
And then head over to his other
"farm" where he has been rebuilding
a roof they built a couple of years ago.
It's really high up.
And built out of really heavy materials.
Which means it is risky.
And probably actually dangerous.
And he LOVES it!

But it also means he has actually seen
a couple of sun RISES lately.
And discovered they are also beautiful.

(They are on HIS phone and he forgot
to send them to me...)


The sky has been extraordinarily beautiful lately.

Which means we've been taking lots of pictures.

And lamenting the lack of rain.

But you can't have it all...

*Red sky at night
Sailor's delight.
Red sky at morning
Sailors take warning!

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