Friday, December 26, 2014

Boxing Day

Happy Boxing Day to all my
Canadian family!

Boxing Day.
The day you box up all the extra stuff,
left overs,
and share it with those less fortunate.
(ie: the kitchen / wait staff back in the day)

Boxing Day.
The day you show up at work
and do all the junk you stuffed in a box
for that one day when you didn't have
anything else to do.

We had a nice Christmas.
Christmas Eve was the traditional
"Santa on the Fire Truck"
with the traditional horrible pictures.

I think Kyle got a nice couple with his fancy
new camera, but I don't have them...

That's Rod and Kyle.
Or Jim and Sabrina.
It's not me.

This is our tree BEFORE the gift opening.

It was actually pretty nice and low key.
Jim and Sabrina showed up around 10:30(ish)
we opened presents and enjoyed a yummy
scrambled egg/omelet thing Jim made.
(And some bacon Rod baked.)

I did not participate in the cooking.
I was ensconced on the couch
with my feet happily stuffed in our new
Shiatsu massager thingie.
(Thanks Mom & Dad!)

If you are ever looking for me in the future,
Look there first.

Made two big bowls of Pop Pop's famous
fruit salad (with his approved ingredients)
and two big pans of family approved
dinner rolls (Rhodes dough).
(That's not cheating, right?)

Headed to Scott and Janis' for dinner/lunch
at 2:30.  Enjoyed a yummy meal with
lots of good company, laughter and conversation.

The kids entertained us with a rousing game (or 15)
of digital/phone charades.
It got a little crazy, but they had fun.

Jim, Sabrina, Rod and I left about 5 so we could
feed the animals and they could go let their dog out.
Kyle stayed and played with the cousins until later.

Relaxing evening watching the last of this year's
cheesy Christmas movies on Hallmark channel
and eating leftover fruit salad with
cheese, salami and crackers.

Rod is "celebrating" Boxing Day by donating
plasma first thing and then climbing up on the
patio roof and peeling everything back so he
and Kyle can replace the roof.
(Who invented the FLAT roof in Florida???
Stupid idea!)

I hope you all enjoyed YOUR holiday!

1 comment:

Rozann said...

what a pretty tree Collette!