Friday, December 5, 2014


Sometimes I just name my blog post something.
And then I forget to change it.
I often have no idea what I'm going to write
about until I start writing.
And then the title just sort of presents itself.

But I need SOMETHING up there...

We'll see what happens today.

Random stuff:
Kyle has a new camera.
That thing takes amazing pictures.

I think he cheated and took a picture of a moldy
cantelope and made it black and white.
Who knew the moon had a navel???

He went out last night with his new camera
and tri-pod and took a bunch of pictures.
This was the best one.

He's always wanted a camera that would
take awesome pictures, mostly of the sky.
He loves sunsets (as we all know) but
gets so frustrated that the camera changes the colors.
This one seems to be truer to color.
We'll see.
Since he got it, we've had some boring skies.

Speaking of skies.
The Orion rocket went off this morning.
The sky was FULL of clouds and it was
raining in the north end of the county.
I was pretty sure it wasn't going to go.
I didn't even pay attention.
Not that I could have seen anything
but clouds...

But I guess the sky was clear over the Cape!
Congrats to the Orion team!!!

And if you don't follow me on Facebook,
I stole this picture from an old Calgary friend.

This is a GREAT nativity!
Love the creativity.
And Batman is the BEST ANGEL!

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