Tuesday, December 16, 2014


In our church
there are Stakes
and there are Wards
and there are Branches

But did you know...
there are also TWIGS!

That just makes me giggle.

We have a twig.
(If you want to get all technical,
I think we only qualify as a leaf,
but twig sounds cuter...)

This weekend I got to go with Rod.
He is "the" home teacher for most of
the families that live in a little
retirement community to the south of us.
Because many of them are retired
and many of them are single women
it can be a struggle to get into town
on Sunday for church.

We got approval from the Stake to
start a mini branch (twig) down there
once a month.

It is slowly growing.
This weekend we had 17 people
(not counting the presiding Bishopric reps and
the set of Elders who administered the sacrament.)

Pretty good turnout!

It helps that we only have Sacrament Meeting
and Sunday School.
Following by PIE!
(A big drawing card for the 65+ crowd...)

It's really nice to worship in a tiny group like that.
Almost nobody falls asleep (ahem, ALMOST)
and nobody is playing on their tablets.
Less formal.
More interactive.
VERY Spiritual.
The music is "canned" which means you
are stuck with the tempo SLC assigned.
And it turns out the 65+ crowd sings slowly.
But it all works out.

Being December, and all, the hymns were all
Christmas Carols.  The sister on the front row
has a beautiful, clear, sweet soprano voice.
Reminded me of Mom's voice.
Except that she was 3.5 notes off the ENTIRE song.
We call that "strong and wrong". 
But still beautiful.
She's a convert.
Gave the first talk.
About keeping Christ in Christmas.
With a large section devoted to an admonition to
NOT drink and drive this Christmas season.


It was well intended, and ended with a suggestion to
make that a subject of prayer this week.
(Helping OTHERS to not drink and drive)
Good save.

After Twig we stopped by briefly and visited Rod's
"families" and brought a plate of brownies.
Ending at our friend's (snowbirds) who just arrived
from Utah.  Enjoyed a lovely bowl of soup
and a walk around their little lake.

All in all, a really nice Sabbath!
Hope you all enjoyed yours!

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