Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Frozie Rozie

Today is my darling little sister's birthday!

She calls herself Frozie Rozie.
These are her friends.

We Canadians just can't seem to get / stay warm.
Which might be why we all moved SOUTH.

She is super athletic and loves challenges that
involve other people.

Relay races
Group hikes
Giant bike races

Like that.

I got to spend a week with her a couple
of months ago.
It was wonderful!

We were roomies when we were little.
Shared a room.
And a double bed.

She was athletic back then too.

She used to wake me up in the middle of the night.
Talking in her sleep.
Maybe talking isn't the right word.

She was "calling" a baseball game.
Naturally she was the one scoring the winning run!

It happened more than once.

She was also the only girl on an all boy hockey team!
And she used to take her little Suzuki Samari up into
the mountain with her mountain bike and camp
and ride the trails.
By herself.

She is strong.
She is confident.
She is loyal.
She is an amazing Mom to 3 wonderful
and successful kids.
(and one son-in-law)
She is a terrific sister.

And she is LOVED!

1 comment:

rktucson said...

haha awesome! Thanks big sis!