Wednesday, June 15, 2016

God Bless Orlando

Good Gravy!
The hits just keep coming!

Friday night a nut job shot an up and coming
new singer after her show during a
"meet and greet" with her fans.
Then he shot himself.

Sunday morning a nut job shot 49 innocent
people in another night club 
and then he shot himself.

And this morning I woke to the news that
a 2 year old boy was taken by an
alligator in one of the lakes
on the Disney property!

I'm not sure how many more hits
the City Beautiful can take!

There have been so many good stories
coming from these tragedies.
Money donated
Blood donated
Food donated to those
donating blood
Survivors telling of heroes who rescued
them and helped them to safety.

Alligators (and sharks) don't typically 
eat humans.
(Word is they don't taste good)

I have lived here for 35 years.
In CLOSE proximity to gators.
(The neighbor gator is named Burt.)
(We "converse" - he from his pond,
me from my side of the fence...)

I have never heard of a gator taking a child.
It's super rare.
They take small dogs and cats.
I sometimes worry for my stupid chickens.

There are gators in every fresh body of water.
With all the rain we have had lately
(Tropical Storm Colin and just lots of
really strong thunder storms in the past few weeks)
they are really active. 
Moving from pond to pond.

Florida Fish and Wildlife captures and relocates
any / all gators that appear to be a nuisance 
on the Disney property.

Since last night they have caught and killed
4 gators in the lake.
Looking for the child.

My heart breaks for all the families of these tragedies.
One good thing about living in the "bible belt".
People aren't afraid to mention God and
to pray in public.
Many who haven't spoken to their Father in years
are turning to Him now.

We could use YOUR prayers.

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