Tuesday, June 14, 2016


I was a zombie yesterday.

Let me back track.

Thursday morning (which happened to be Kyle's 25th!)
(I didn't do a post, since he doesn't read my blog...)

I drove to Orlando to attend a two day
instructor training session.

We learned a TON.
And I didn't have to teach.
But I received lots of flattering comments
from others who DID teach.

And it looks like they might tag me to do a series
of instructor webinars for new instructors.
That might be fun!


We were in session from 10:30 until about 4, then 
headed upstairs to our rooms to rest
and meet in the lobby for an awesome dinner
up the street at Bonefish Grill.
I love these sessions - we all eat and chat,
about lots of things, but primarily we pick
each other's brains.  I came away with a 
bunch of really good ideas for new games
and ways to refresh my classroom!

Then back into the classroom again on Friday
for a rehash of all the admin stuff that
instructors are getting lax on.
(That's one of my other jobs - travel to
other instructor's sites and "mentor" them
on things they might have forgotten or never learned)

We left Orlando around 1:30 Friday afternoon
and when I got to the house, I sat on the couch
for a minute and 2 hours later I woke up.

Repacked my suitcase and headed south
to Ft. Lauderdale to teach the 2nd weekend
of my current class.

I am training a new instructor, so I had him teach
for the first hour, but it drives me nuts to see
someone reading from the book, so I took
over again after the first break.
He's going to be a good instructor - he is a retired
police officer, so his people skills are awesome.
But he hasn't spent the time necessary to 
get familiar with the material.
And I'm not going to let my students suffer.


Red Lobster for dinner.
(where they lost my ticket so didn't seat me
for nearly an hour - I didn't notice cuz I was
texting Kyle and reading my Kindle...)
And back to school at 7:30 Sunday morning.

We give the final exam 12 hours later at 7 pm!!!
And there is always at least one student
who insists on taking the entire 2 hours.
So at 9:00 pm we were just grading the final paper.
And then there is still the wrap-up
(entering hours / grades etc into the computer,
tidying the room, packing up the books, etc that
we need to take to the next site... that sort of thing)
so I didn't get out of the room until nearly 9:45.

Hit a McDonald's drive thru for a salad
which I ate in my bed in my hotel room.
And OUT like the light by 10:15.

Alarm went off at 4:45
Left by 5
Drove to my office, arriving RIGHT at 7:30!

Cleaned up the mess left in my office 
from not being here on Thursday and Friday
left at 4:30
home to gather eggs, feed the chickens and rabbits
(Rod did the horses and cows)
and then over to our little town hall for a
Trails and Greenways Committee meeting
from 6 - 8:30.

Fried up some yummy jalapeno / cheddar cheese
sausage and some steamed broccoli and in BED
by 10.

Today...  I'm actually doing much better than yesterday.
I'm not even threatening to curl up under my desk
for a nap!

Tomorrow I'll let you know how Kyle is doing.
(Spoiler alert - GREAT)