Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Welcome to the Farm

Tis the Season.

And you can tell,
because I have put up the annual
gate decorations.

Our cowboy and cowgirl are all 
spiffed up for the season.
(alter egos?)

We usually have a solar light
stuck in each end of the gate.
But they recently died.

And Rod wasn't happy with them.
They aren't still lit when he leaves
for work at 5:30 in the morning.

So this year I am trying something
different and wrapped a strand
of clear lights all around the top bar.

We will leave them up all year.
(I bought a couple extra boxes
in case they only last a few months.)

I like the look!
And it's NICE to come home
at night to a welcoming light.

(Now I just have to remember to
pick up a timer - cuz it's NOT nice
to have to walk out there every morning
and evening and turn them on/off.)

Merry Christmas!

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