Friday, February 10, 2017

And I can Park

Not only am I NOT the worst shot,
I can also park.

A couple of days ago there was a
Facebook post on the Bangor Maine
Police Department facebook page.
(If you don't follow these guys, what
on earth are you waiting for???)


As they hire new officers, they like
to introduce them to the world.
They hired a guy a little while back,
he's a new recruit fresh out of college.
And he can't seem to park.

Case in point...
This is his private vehicle.

And his work vehicle.
Notice the continuity in not parking IN
the spot, but at least he's consistent!

Rod and I were talking about it 
while driving up to Samsula to pick up feed.

And later that day I needed to go to the church.
I successfully BACKED the VW into a parking
spot at the Stake Center.
But let's be honest.
It's a VW.
How hard can it be?

So to prove the point...
here is my truck the following morning
at our local chapel.

TA DA!!!!!

Thank you.
Thank you very much.

1 comment:

rktucson said...

I suck at parking! ha ha