Monday, February 20, 2017

New(ish) Brooder

Ok, it's not really "new".
It's re-purposed.

We finished up with our rabbits.
We enjoyed having them.
The babies were fun.
(When we were successful 
HAVING some babies...)
And therein is the rub.
My rabbits were NOT your
stereotypical rabbits.
They did NOT breed like rabbits.

So, they are "no more".
(Several of them got a 2nd chance
with a friend, we'll see if they do
better over there...)

But in the meantime, I was checking
my records and realized it is TIME
to refresh my chicken flock.

Last week I ordered 40 new little baby chicks.
I'm hoping they arrive tomorrow morning.

In order to get ready for them, 
Rod spent several (SEVERAL) hours over the weekend
fixing the rabbit hutch complex to accommodate 
the new chicks.

First he took out the wire floor.
(It was definitely ready to be removed
or repaired...)

Then he replaced the wire with some plywood and
covered it with fresh wood shavings.

The front side is separated into 4 separate cages.
We will be using these to house my older 
chickens to test to see if they are still laying.

The other side is one large enclosure and that
is where we will house the babies until they are
big enough to move to the "condo".

Of course, first I'm going to have to retrain the
girls that are sleeping in there now.

One thing at a time.

1 comment:

rktucson said...

You sure are good at taking pictures and posting about them!