Monday, December 31, 2018

Bye 2018! Good to Know You

It was a BUSY year!
Trips to Tucson and Boulder.
Lots and lots of teaching and extra
instructor training trips.
The guys made several trips for
hurricane relief.
And of course lots and lots of trips
back and forth to the ranch.
Seems like I spent half the year
being someplace besides home.

We lost a couple of important people
in our lives this year.
And we got a couple of new "family" members.

We are finishing strong.

They formed and poured footers.

Rented a big fancy concrete mixer.

Let it cure for 2 days.

Today they are putting up the frame.

It's a beautiful day for it!
The sun is shining and there is a nice ocean breeze
coming in from the east.

Tomorrow they will put the "skin" on the building
and we will have a nice BIG building out back
to house our hay and a place to park Kyle's tractor
out of the weather.


However, all this work outside means there is
about a 5% chance anybody will be awake
at midnight to ring in the new year.

Toot Toot! Happy New Year!

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