Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Grove Collaboration

The THM girls introduced me to a new company.

Grove Collaboration.

They sell natural cleaning products
for a good price and ship them to
you for free on a regular basis.
(Or you can just order when you want.)

There is a special where you get $30
worth of stuff for free!

So I ordered it.
I did the order on Friday evening
while the guys were out of town.
And it came today!

I ordered a couple of extra things
because I wanted them.

This is what I got in my box.

Here's a closer look...

First off we have a little cloth bag filled
with natural bamboo drinking straws.
They have Grove Collaboration stamped into
each straw.
And came with that little brush for
keeping them clean.
Cuz, ya' know... plastic straws are EVIL.

A Walnut and Cellulose sponge.
Cuz... I wanted it?
(And it was FREE!)

I already use a natural toothpaste.
But I'm nearly out, and this one looked
like fun...
So I'm giving it a try.

Cinnamon bar soap!
Kyle loves bar soaps.
So I got this one for him.
(And he loves cinnamon...)

A glass spray bottle with a silicone bottom.
Cuz', ya' know... plastic is EVIL.
(But it was FREE!)

A CALMING mud mask.
Cuz... mud.
And calming.
Sounded like a fun thing to try
while in my hotel room this weekend.

A nifty little carrier thingie filled with free
Mrs. Meyers cleaners.
I picked Rosemary flavor.
Hand soap, dish soap and general cleaner.
I use this stuff ALL THE TIME
since Rozann sent me some for Christmas.
I'm hooked!
(And it was all FREE!)

Mint flavored daily shower cleaner spray
in a (gasp) plastic spray bottle.
You are supposed to spray your shower walls
after each shower and then you never have
to scrub your shower again.
That would be awesome.
Wonder if it will work with our well water...
I'm willing to give it a try.
(And it was FREE! hahahaha)

Wanna give it a try?


I think I paid $23 for all the extra goodies I bought.
Totally worth it, I think.

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