Wednesday, May 1, 2019


Let's see...

1. I have 74 scrubbies!

I am out of yarn, but I might make
a run into town later today and
get a couple more balls so I can
finish the box.

2. I LOVE Rozann's laughing baby ringtone.
So the other day I searched and found it.
And installed it on my phone.
Hope you don't mind!
I also picked a new text sound.
It's a rooster crowing.
Drives Beau crazy.
Which I think is funny.

And because the laughing baby can't help
but bring a smile to my face each time
I hear it, I don't even MIND those stupid
robo / spam calls anymore!
Bring 'em on!
I laugh with the baby for a sec, and then
delete the call.
Thanks for the grin.

3. Kyle survived the sink hole incident.
(See yesterday's post if you haven't already...)
And has moved on to his next ... thing.

The crew came out to get started building his
new out building to house his tractor, etc.
In the midst of the sink hole thing,
he came up to the front of the property to get
the tank to rescue himself and noticed a
minor issue.
Each of these posts are cemented into the ground.
Each of these posts are 11 feet apart.
He has two 16 foot roll-up doors going in.
Not sure how THAT is supposed to work...

So it was back on the phone to the daughter who
was in charge of ordering the building.

This morning he was out there waiting when the
crew showed up. Brought his drawing with him,
talked to the crew foreman and they got it all 
figured out. They are going to pull 2 of the posts,
reset them the right distance, and then make a steel
header to go over the door.
He was grateful Kyle caught it early enough that
it was a minor inconvenience instead of after they
already had the roof trusses on.

The "big man" came out to find out what's 
going on and when Kyle talked to him,
he was really pleasant and reassured him that
it wasn't going to be a big deal.
They already have 2 17.5' beams fabricated
out in the yard so with some minor adjustments
they will be ready to go. 
Won't even impact their timeline.

another crisis averted.

Just meant instead of getting started 
on his tractor this morning early like
he had planned, he had to stay up
at the front of the property and is
about 2.5 hours behind schedule.
Plus the 3 hours from the sinkhole yesterday...
And they are forecasting rain for the rest of 
the week starting late tonight or early tomorrow.
He is watching his window close.
And its stressing him out a bit.

Welcome to ranching.
(But he still loves it...)

Ok, it's 11:00.
Time to get my breakfast eaten.
(I've been on the phone all morning...
got the horses fed, the kitchen floor washed
and the dishwasher going...
but I'm a little behind myself...)


rktucson said...
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rktucson said...

That is SO awesome! thanks - but I might have to start handing out TWO scrubbies to everyone since I have so many! ha ha but so far, everyone LOVES them! Thank you Thank you! (You can ship them to me using my UPS# I'll text it to you. (posted it here before, then realized, probably not a great idea! I have NO idea who reads your posts ha ha - but of course, I trust them all!) :)

Collette said...

Good call! I have no idea who reads this either! LOL I've been having fun knitting the little scrubbies. They are easy, a bit mindless, and I don't have a big knitted thing laying on my lap while it's a billion degrees.