Monday, June 10, 2019

Bath Day

Over the weekend, while Rod was home
the dogs discovered an old, dead rat.
Which, being dogs, was pretty much
nirvana in their minds.
They had ALL rolled around on it
by the time I figured out why all the dogs
were suddenly STINKING.

Found it and tossed it over the fence
where they wouldn't be able to get
to it ever again...
and then it was time for a BATH.

Bandit having her turn, while Beau peeks in...

Beau loves water, but isn't a huge fan
of getting an actual bath.

Yup. We use horse shampoo.
It does a good job and then they
all smell a billion times better!

Didn't get any pictures of Roxy.
But she got a bath too.

Thanks Rod!
They are all nice and clean!

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