Saturday, June 15, 2019

New Calf

We had our first loss last week.
Our little black MaineAnjou/Angus mix
took sick and died Wednesday evening.
It was fast.
He was fine in the afternoon and
gone in the evening.

And our little white calf was VERY
unhappy about losing his pasture buddy.

We put the horses in with him to keep
him company while we waited to 
pick up a new calf.

This morning we headed out early again,
back to Raney Cattle Sales over in Lakeland
and picked up the little Brangus we were
looking at originally.

Meeting Buddy through the fence.

He is bigger than the Maine.
And a little skittish.

He and the little Charolais joined up immediately.
They were pasture buddies until last week anyway.

Garry told us what he feeds his herd
and he boasted about 10 pound/week gains!
So we stopped at their local feed store
and picked some up.
They LOVE it!

You can't really tell from this picture,
but he has REALLY big ears. 
I forgot to take a picture of him
while he was in the trailer,
which was the closest I was able
to get to him.
And his ears are pretty large.

It shouldn't take him too long to
grow into them though.

2019 Herd Take Two has begun.

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