Thursday, December 19, 2019

Jail Break!

Made my monthly trip up to the ranch
Tuesday afternoon.

Just in time for a BIG rain storm.

Kyle made me a lovely dinner of steak,
yellow peppers and onions,
yellow squash in sour cream
and tater tots.

Wednesday morning we got up,
BUNDLED up and headed out.
It was in the low 40s but the wind
was really whipping and it was COLD!

We got the girls in nice and easy.

We got them all weighed and treated for flies.
No calves yet... but #16 looks like she
might be getting ready.

Kyle put out a couple of rolls of hay and
some protein tubs, dumped a load of
dirt under a gate where it looks like there
is a big enough hole that new little calves
would be able to squirt into the peanut pasture
and then we loaded up the big stock trailer
and got on the road to Malabar.
(By way of Rural King in Ocala where 
I bought some more horse feed and a bunch
of bags of beet pulp pellets because my
RK in Bonita Springs doesn't carry it...)
(And it's $2/bag cheaper than Tractor Supply)

We didn't get home until about 7 (after dark)
and Rod had a nice dinner of fried chieken
and "fixins" ready for us.

This morning I got up and headed out to feed
our animals... and ...


This is the same board they broke last time.
We are going to need to replace it.
I guess its getting old and weak.

I wandered all over the property looking for
another board that would fit but they were
all about 2 feet too short...
so rather than take Kyle's truck and head to
Lowe's to buy a new board I just found an
old fence panel and dragged it over.

It made an effective band-aid.

Chained it to the existing gate on one end.

Used the old farmer's favorite,
baling twine.

But every body is back in their pasture
and all is right with the world again.

And now I'm getting ready to head over to 
Linda's with Kyle to help him round up
her cows and take all of them (except 3)
back up to the ranch.

He'll stay there on "calf watch" until
Christmas Eve.

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