Monday, December 30, 2019


It took two full days of WORK.
But we have LIGHTS!!!

It started with Rod digging a trench
through the driveway under the gate.

And then laying the pipe.

Corners and elbows and boxes, oh my!

And then it rained all day.
We enjoyed a relaxing day inside.

But then it was right back to it!

R E A C H!!!!

Measure, dry fit, measure, glue...
It was quite the process!

Up the ladder.

The peanut gallery

Down the ladder.

Up the ladder...

Shadow supervised.
(She looks VERY relaxed!)

Rod got them all wired up and painted
the wood behind them...

They look great!
And then I sat down outside to wait 
for the "light show".
All the other "dusk to dawn" lights came on.
But NOTHING at the front gate.
We started to get nervous...
Rod was getting ready to pull them down
and re-check his wiring...
(Although he is SUPER careful with his
wiring and I was sure it was right...)

And then...

TA DA!!!!

Please note he is wearing shorts and a cotton short sleeved shirt.

I, on the other hand, was in jeans,
my cute muck boots (with pink horses on them)
and my barn coat.

Yup, I'm a Canadian PANSY.

But we LOVE our new lights!
The light shines straight down and only
lights up the gate - no "bleed" up or down
the driveway and no lights in anybody
else's property / eyes.

Thanks Rod!

1 comment:

rktucson said...

Love love love them! Nice job Rod! Isn't it fabulous to have handy hubbies?!