Sunday, August 9, 2020


 Remember these?

I bought a set of these mesh re-usable grocery bags for
me and another set for Rozann for her birthday this year.

I've been keeping them in my trunk to use when
I go to the grocery store.
Sometimes I use them for veggies, and sometimes I
just use them as a grocery bag - like when I shop at Aldi
where they don't HAVE bags (unless you buy them...)

I grabbed 2 of the smallest ones (red) and hung on
on the side of my fridge from a magnet hook I have there.
I hang my extra seals for my Instant Pot from it.

But now I also have a bag hanging there.
I put my scrubbies in it after I use them each day.
(I've gone back to hand washing the dishes.. I just
can't reconcile letting the dishwasher run for an HOUR AND A HALF
when I can do the same amount of dishes in under 20 minutes.)

I have a GAZILLION scrubbies - so I get a fresh one each
time and the used one goes in my bag - and then I toss
it in the laundry!

Well, this morning I grabbed another one and tossed all
our stupid face masks in there!
I WAS hand washing Rod's face masks every night
when he brought them home from work.
But then I bought him a spray bottle of colloidal silver
which is a great disinfectant - and he sprays the inside of
his mask multiple times every day.

So this morning I grabbed all his masks and my one mask
that I keep in my purse for those rare occasions when I
go somewhere that requires I wear one...
Tossed those puppies in with the laundry.

Don't get me started on the mask thing.
But at least now they are clean.

And so are my scrubbies!

In other news, I switched back to "legacy" blogger
until they get the double space thing figured out.

1 comment:

rktucson said...

What a great idea for both the bags AND my scrubbies!! Thanks! So glad I read your post.