Tuesday, August 18, 2020


This has been a BUSY Tuesday!
It started at 7 am.
Which is early for me...

I headed out and started moving dirt
into the new raised beds.

Kyle joined me when I had the first one about 2/3 done.
We worked together and got that one finished
and I helped a little with the 2nd one,
but had to split off and feed the animals.

Then made a quick okra/egg breakfast and
hopped in the shower, gathered up and took 
out the trash, and then drove to the Town.
I had to be there by 10.

We are learning how to use the software they
purchased about 2 years ago... but are WAAAAY
under utilizing.
There was a webinar yesterday and another today.
I learned a lot on yesterday's demo
so today I was experimenting and learning how
to create custom reports.

The town clerk had asked for some information
so I figured out how to create a fancy report
and spent a couple of hours getting 2 years 
worth of information for her.

Then someone else asked for some info
(amazing what people "need" once they find
out what you can do!)

So I spent another couple of hours working
to get that one figured out.
I eventually had to call the company directly
(they are in LOGAN!)
and he said, "Yup, you're right...
I'm just going to create this custom one
for you... cuz there's no way you can do it."
He was SUPER helpful!

However, I went in at 10 and usually work until
around 3 - I didn't get out of there tonight until
nearly FIVE!

Straight home and into the ZoomRoom to spend
2 hours sending emails to people who are registered
for the state exam but haven't been on our review Zooms
yet - lots of people don't know about it!
And it's such a great resource!

And now I would like to head back out and put
in another hour moving dirt...
but I just went out to take that picture
and it's raining.

So instead I'll finish the laundry I put in
when I got home from work and head
into the kitchen to make some dinner.

And then I might just collapse on the couch.
It's 7:00.
It's been a long 12 hours...

(Rozie - this looks like a NORMAL day for you...
but I'm out of practice!)

Last night's sunset.

1 comment:

rktucson said...

YA, that's a pretty normal day for me - actually ours start about 5:30am, working in our home gym or on the treadmill til 7, then walk the dog (this time of year it IS a walk because Zoe can't run in this heat either! it's over 85 already by then!) Then I jump in the pool, Greg heads to work (he starts his workout at 5 and swims and showers BEFORE the dog walk - sometimes I don't do the dog walk cause I'm still exercising cause I slept in till 6!) So then I head to work around 8 and work till mid day (1-ish) then I either take the dog home - or go pickup the dog FROM home - depending on if I left her there that morning or brought her into the office with me. Then back to the office to finish up the day till about 5:30, then home to fix some dinner and/or do a quick 30 minute exercise routine (stretching, yoga, or core, depending on the day). While I'm preparing dinner, Greg usually takes Zoe for another 'walk' (we do a loop on the dirt road behind Nancy's house and around back down our dirt road - about 1.5 miles). Then when dinner's ready, Greg and I crash on the sofa and watch a little TV and convince the dog to not beg for our food (she's NOT good at that! she wants to eat whatever we are eating! Even if she's already finished her bowl of food!) Then it's usually 9 and we fall into bed only to start it all over again before we know it!