Thursday, October 1, 2020

Busy Thursday

 This morning I was sitting out on the back patio,
eating my bowl of oatmeal and fresh peach,
waiting for the SpaceX Falcon 9 to lift off.

At 29 seconds to go, they decided the 
weather was too dicey.
(It was clear at my house, but the radar
said it was looking a lot like a thunderstorm
was in the works up there - 30 miles north of me...)

Meanwhile, Soni called!
We had a nice visit while she drove to
her Thursday appointment and I sat on
my patio.

Then it was off to work.

I can't wait for Denine to get better and come
back to work! She got sick about the time
we left for Utah and hasn't been back yet.

So she calls me, I put in my ear bud / microphone
and it's "like" she's there... but she's NOT.

We also got our new Town Manager today.
She is SUPER nice.
I think I'll enjoy working with her.

I put out a bunch of fires.
started some more (grin),
put those out,
and generally got lots accomplished.

And now I'm relaxing, having a snack,
gearing up for my 6:30 Zoom class.

My new half bed of Jambalaya okra is coming in!

So are the Navy Beans and Black Eyed Peas!

And behind the bush beans are brand new little
cranberry shelling beans as well as light and dark
kidney beans...
(And on the other side of the wire are pole beans...)

The garden is looking alive!
Peppers directly in front, tomatoes to the left,
squash and beans to the right...
A wild flower mess and Waaaay up in the top left
corner are Kyle's roses.


My okra forest is giving me some okra daily now!

And with Rod and I working silly hours these days,
we don't see as much of each other as we were,
but it's ALWAYS nice to wake up to a 
Love Note on the fridge!

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