Sunday, November 15, 2020

New Week

 And so starts a new week.

Last week was a doozy!

And this week I ONLY teach
Tuesday and Thursday evenings.
That's nice.
I also work at the town those days
but that's no big deal...

I'm not teaching Saturday night.
Which I will miss...
but it WILL be kinda nice too.

I was busy cooking this weekend.
Poor Rod has been slumming it for
lunches / dinners this week.
I made a big pot of Lassagne Casserole
last week and he had to take it for lunch
every day!
His lunch buddy teased him mercilessly.

So now he has LOTS to choose from.
There are tubs of Cowboy Grub (made with
sweet potatoes...)
There's red lentil stew (made with a root
veggie blend that is REALLY good)
There's a yummy beef & cheese casserole...

And then today for lunch I made up a big
pan of beef and cheddar enchiladas
and put the rest into tubs as well.

He will have CHOICES!

I also baked up two loaves of Pumpkin Walnut bread.
They are cooling on the counter.
And I'm REALLY excited to slice into them.
They smelled divine while they were baking.

The guys went to put up some yard signs
at all the sites Kyle has done work at.
(Just got the sign blanks so Rod whipped up
six yard signs...)
While they are gone I've been catching up
on the "back office" part of my teaching job.
And now I'm going to sit in my chair with
a good book, a nice cool "all day sipper" drink,
and a slice of pumpkin bread.
(Which a slathering of butter...)
(Cuz I can...)

In other news...
United Launch Alliance FINALLY got their bird
off the launch pad.
It's been two months and who even remembers
how many scrubs.

Call SpaceX next time...

And ONE of my colored egg layers laid her
first egg this week!
Teeny Tiny, but still!
(The REALLY dirty ones on the right are
the duck eggs... I swear they take them out
of the nest and roll them in the mud and
then put them back in. Or they just have
really dirty feet...)

1 comment:

rktucson said...

Love the egg pictures! Enjoy that book!!