Monday, November 9, 2020

"New" Zoom Room

 Today I CLEANED house!
It needed it... (grin)

In the process, Kyle and I got all the "extra"
stuff out of the Zoom Room
(mostly stuff from his house at the ranch)
so there is nothing on the spare bed,
the round oak table is gone!
(It is really hard to have 2 computers, and all
the supporting papers/books/mouse/pads etc on
a ROUND table!)

We moved the exercise bike into the corner
my table used to be in...
also Beau's chair...
and brought in an old desk/table from the
tack room (used to be in the graphics office)
and set it up for my work station.


And now I'm sitting directly under the A/C vent.
Which is awesome.

Also we put the window A/C unit back into
the window - now that we can REACH the window...

It's quite CHILLY in here.
Which is nice, because my work polo does not breath
and I get HOT!
(Yes, ME! HOT! Like icky hot!)


It looks great.
And I taught the first of SIX classes this week
tonight and it was WONDERFUL!

The view from the door...

My view while I teach.
(The most important part being the computers
and the CLOCK on the wall!)
(And the A/C)

It only took 7 months of teaching to figure
this out...

But since it looks like I'll be doing it for a 
good long while to come...
it's nice to be comfy.

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